Catch-up Strategy and Technology Creation in China



Shan Juan(Shanghai  University)



Technology in China


Gaining access to technology: Two phases


–Phase 1 (1978 …): International JVs

–Phase 2 (2000 …): In-house R&D




–1995: 0.60%

–1999: 0.83%

–2002: 1.23%

–2005: 1.50%

–2010: 2.00%

–2020: 2.50%


Some examples of Chinese firms: Huawei, Lenovo, SAIC, Haier, …



High-tech clusters: Zhongguancun (Beijing), Zhangjiang (Shanghai), Suzhou High-tech park, …



Foreign companies have developed R&D centers in China: Astra Zeneca, Roche, Servier, Nokia, Intel, IBM, Alcatel, Delphi, Danone, …







 세부내용은 첨부파일을 참조바랍니다. 


catch-up strategy and technology creation in china_20110622.pdf

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