발표: 은종학(국민대)

토론: 김병구(한신대)



China has emerged as a science superpower in the first decade of the 2000s. In the world of science, where collaborative research has become the norm, China may have a great influence over the international scientific research collaboration (ISRC) network. In this exploratory study, we focus on the ISRC of the Little Dragons (LDs) (i.e., South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore), which have grown to advanced economies and have thus emphasized science as a facilitator of further development. Using the method of cosine similarity analysis and social network analysis, we trace the evolutionary changes in the ISRC of the LDs and the position of China within the ISRC network from 2002 to 2012. The differences among the three LDs are discussed and the implications are drawn.


Evolution of the Little Dragons’ Science Network with the Rise of China(은종학).pdf

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