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연사: Arif Dirlik

제목: "The Formation and Indigenization of the Disciplines in China: Sociology and Anthropology." 

일시: 2010 6 22일 화요일 11

장소: 국민대학교 북악관 616


Arif Dirlik

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Retired



Arif Dirlik was most recently Chair Professor of Chinese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong(2007-2009). He taught at Duke University for thirty years, 1971-2001, and served for five years(2001-2006)as Knight Professor of Social Science (History and Anthropology), University of Oregon, where he was also director of the Center for Critical Theory and Transnational Studies.


He is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow, the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, and has held honorary appointments at the China Center for Comparative Politics and Economics, Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, Beijing, the Center for the Study of Marxist Social Theory, Nanjing University, and Northwest Nationalities University, Lanzhou, PRC. He presently has been appointed visiting scholar at the Academy of National Studies, Tsinghua University, where he will deliver the Liang Qichao Memorial Lectures in October/November 2010.


He serves on the editorial boards of over ten periodicals in Chinese, Asian and Cultural Studies, and is the editor of two book series, "Studies in Global Modernity," with the State University of New York Press, and "Asian Modernities," with the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. His most recent book-length publications are "Crisis, Identity and Politics: Writings on Globalization"(2009, in Turkish), "Snapshots of Intellectual Life in Contemporary China"(2008, special issue of boundary 2), "Pedagogies of the Global"(2007), and "Global Modernity: Modernity in the Age of Global Capitalism"(2006). He has recently completed two edited volumes, "The Formation and Indigenization of the Disciplines in China: Sociology and Anthropology," and, "The End of the Peasant? Global Capitalism and the Future of Agrarian Society."

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